Ralph Nader at HLS: The constitutional crimes of Bush and Obama

Harvard Law School

Nader and Fein
The constitutional crimes of Bush and Obama

Ralph Nader ’58 and Bruce Fein ’72 visited Harvard Law School for a talk sponsored by the HLS Forum and the Harvard Law Record. At the event, “America's Lawless Empire: The Constitutional Crimes of Bush and Obama,” both men discussed what they called lawless, violent practices by the White House and its agencies that have become institutionalized by both political parties.

Nader, a consumer advocate, author, attorney, and five-time candidate for President, said that the government and the American people have rationalized illegality because the country has gotten used to the military-industrial complex and the corporate state under which it has been operating for more than half a century. 
The talk was sponsored by HLS Forum and the Harvard Law Record. HLS Forum is a nonpartisan student organization dedicated to bringing open discussion of a broad range of legal, political and social issues to Harvard Law School. It was founded after World War II by 30 returning soldiers as a memorial to their fellow students who died in the war. The Harvard Law Record, published since 1946, is the oldest law school-affiliated newspaper in the United States. Jill Greenfield.
